Southern Ham & Beans


Every 4 months or so, I go through my deep freeze to ensure I'm rotating the oldest items to the front to be used, so I waste nothing. Pulled out a spiral cut ham bone from Easter and made ham and beans topped with homemade hot sauce this weekend. Great comfort food with lots of protein!

Southern Ham & Beans Recipe

Ingredients (Makes 12 - 15 servings)

2 lbs. dry pinto beans
16 cups water
2 large, meaty ham hocks (or 1 large, meaty ham bone)
2 large onions, chopped
4 cloves garlic, minced
2 tsps. chili powder
2 tsps. salt
1/2 tsp. ground black pepper


Step 1: Place beans and water in a large stock pot. Add ham hocks or ham bone, onion and garlic. Season with chili powder, salt and pepper. Bring to a boil and cook for 2 minutes. Cover and remove from heat. Let stand 1 hour.

Step 2: Return the pot to the heat and bring to a boil once again. Reduce heat to medium-low and simmer for at least 3 hours to blend the flavors. *Laurie’s Cooking Tip: The longer you simmer, the thicker the broth will become. I like to cook mine for about 6 hours.


Step 3: Remove the ham hock or bone from the broth and let cool. Remove the meat from the bone and return the meat to the stock pot, discarding the bone. Adjust seasonings to taste.


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